Enhanced and Automated Edition of hello-avs

We have updated the AVS workflow to be more automated and simplified. The AVS smart contract will now deploy automatically when you run our updated binary.


  1. Ensure exokey is installed

    make exokey
  2. Have private key ready for import, both operator private key and avs private key

    1. Derive a new operator private key if no, and encrypt to disk

       exocored keys add play1 --home ~/.tmp-exocored
      - address: exo1sfmtq4jm2kwrc9mk3qwvfs3khn39kd3kz6sx5k
        name: play1
        pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"An7RpHF1aV6NmnNNj1lJZGO4A8TwGVaDx3mzRjlJ12Ic"}'
        type: local
      **Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
      It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.
      coyote ozone network avoid lift ozone reveal six sell source curtain basket initial model fish scene hedgehog funny teach sphere magnet birth false gift
    2. Then use the following command to convert the exocore address to an ethereum address:

      exocored debug addr exo1sfmtq4jm2kwrc9mk3qwvfs3khn39kd3kz6sx5k
      Address bytes: [130 118 176 86 91 85 156 60 23 118 136 28 196 194 54 188 226 91 54 54]
      Address (hex): 8276B0565B559C3C1776881CC4C236BCE25B3636
      Address (EIP-55): 0x8276B0565b559C3C1776881Cc4c236Bce25b3636
      Bech32 Acc: exo1sfmtq4jm2kwrc9mk3qwvfs3khn39kd3kz6sx5k
      Bech32 Val: exovaloper1sfmtq4jm2kwrc9mk3qwvfs3khn39kd3kvxzj3v
    3. Finally, export private key and private key encrypted text using the following method:

      exocored keys unsafe-export-eth-key --home ~/.tmp-exocored play1.info
      cat ~/.tmp-exocored/keyring-test/play1.info
    4. Extract the fields marked in red above to obtain:

      operator_ethaddr: 0x8276B0565b559C3C1776881Cc4c236Bce25b3636
    5. Ensure that there’re enough funds in the account for transactions.

      Use the local_funded_account account in exocore node to transfer some amount to the two prepared accounts for sending transactions.

      curl localhost:8545 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"method":"eth_getBalance","params":["0x3e108c058e8066DA635321Dc3018294cA82ddEdf", "latest"],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'
      curl localhost:8545 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"method":"eth_getBalance","params":["0x8276B0565b559C3C1776881Cc4c236Bce25b3636", "latest"],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'

Register Operator

Register operator using exocore cli with the following parameters:

exocored tx operator register-operator --meta-info "My Operator" --from play1.info  --commission-rate 0.1 --commission-max-rate 0.2 --commission-max-change-rate 0.01  --home  "~/.tmp-exocored"   --chain-id "exocoretestnet_233-1"  --keyring-backend test  --fees 50000000000hua
    - amount: "50000000000"
      denom: hua
    gas_limit: "200000"
    granter: ""
    payer: ""
  signer_infos: []
  tip: null
  extension_options: []
  memo: ""
  - '@type': /exocore.operator.v1.RegisterOperatorReq
    from_address: exo1sfmtq4jm2kwrc9mk3qwvfs3khn39kd3kz6sx5k
      approve_addr: exo1sfmtq4jm2kwrc9mk3qwvfs3khn39kd3kz6sx5k
        earning_info_list: []
          max_change_rate: "0.010000000000000000"
          max_rate: "0.200000000000000000"
          rate: "0.100000000000000000"
        update_time: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      earnings_addr: exo1sfmtq4jm2kwrc9mk3qwvfs3khn39kd3kz6sx5k
      operator_meta_info: My Operator
  non_critical_extension_options: []
  timeout_height: "0"
signatures: []
confirm transaction before signing and broadcasting [y/N]: y
code: 0
codespace: ""
data: ""
events: []
gas_used: "0"
gas_wanted: "0"
height: "0"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: '[]'
timestamp: ""
tx: null
txhash: ADAB3FF26CFF074BCCFE4859E790CFA2F3C452E66725CB33DE7503B133B8BAB7

verify by seeing all operators’ info as in the red line

exocored query operator get-all-operators
- exo18cggcpvwspnd5c6ny8wrqxpffj5zmhklprtnph
- **exo1sfmtq4jm2kwrc9mk3qwvfs3khn39kd3kz6sx5k**
  next_key: null
  total: "2"

Preparing and configure the hello-avs repo

Clone the repo https://github.com/ExocoreNetwork/hello-world-avs

  1. Install

    make build
  2. Ensure exokey is installed

    make exokey
  3. Import AVS ECDSA Private Key

    # Import AVS private key
    ./exokey importKey --key-type ecdsa --private-key {avs_private_key}  --output-dir tests/keys/avs.ecdsa.key.json
    # Output: tests/keys/avs.ecdsa.key.json

c. Import Operator ECDSA Private Key

 ./exokey importKey --key-type ecdsa --private-key 21B5DD3A8F1D0816CEB4C7C4ED3ED8B6254D200E20AC13B8B26B5BD66D1C2EA3  --output-dir ./tests/keys/operator.ecdsa.key.json
# Output: tests/keys/operator.ecdsa.key.json

d. Generate or Import BLS Private Key for operator


# generate BLS key
./exokey  generate --key-type bls --num-keys 1
# Output: random folder


# Import BLS private key
./exokey  importKey --key-type bls --private-key {bls_private_key}  --output-dir tests/keys/test.bls.key.json
# Output: tests/keys/test.bls.key.json

Or copy the generated bls json file into tests/keys/test.bls.key.jso

ls bls-bd64f40a-bd71-11ef-88eb-0e9d598fbdf0/keys/1.bls.key.json 

e. Key Paths

  • AVS Owner ECDSA Private Key: tests/keys/avs.ecdsa.key.json

  • Operator ECDSA Private Key: tests/keys/operator.ecdsa.key.json

  • BLS Private Key: tests/keys/test.bls.key.json

f. Secure Environment Variable Management

If a non-empty password is used when writing private keys to JSON files, you must set the corresponding environment variables

For our local use-case, we only used bls password, so we need to set it in the environment

cat bls-bd64f40a-bd71-11ef-88eb-0e9d598fbdf0/password.txt


g. Configure the config.yaml file to match the operator and avs related information

#The eoa address of Operato, used for sending transactions
operator_address: 0x8276B0565b559C3C1776881Cc4c236Bce25b3636

Starting the AVS

  • Make sure the environment variables are set in the terminal you wanna execute the following command. If no, please export the variable

  • Start AVS Operator

    Open a separate terminal window #1, execute the following commands

     ./operatorbinary --config ./config.yaml
  • Start AVS

    Open a separate terminal window #2, execute the following commands

    ./avsbinary --config ./config.yaml

Last updated