Hello-World-AVS Example

Introduction to Hello-World-AVS

Hello-World- AVS is a demo of minimum viable AVS with full Exocore Network Integration. This demonstration aims to showcase how a value computed off-chain (specifically, the sum of two numbers) can be integrated into the work operators have committed to perform, as well as how this operational logic relates to the AVS contracts. We process the off-chain computation, obtain signatures from multiple Operators, aggregate these signatures, and finally validate and record the value on-chain within Exocore.

Prior to the AVS becoming available for use, the following prerequisite steps must occur:

  1. Registration of Operators is completed

  2. The AVS Smart Contract instance is constructed using our template and subsequently deployed on the Exocore chain

  3. Operators proceed with their registration within the AVS

Two-Sum AVS Lifecycle Flow

Each request for two numbers to be summed undergoes the following process:

  1. The Task Generator submits the numbers to be summed to the AVS contract.

  2. The AVS contract emits an event representing the two numbers to be summed.

  3. Operators monitor the AVS contract for this event, compute the sum, sign the result using a BLS signature, and transmit their signature to the Aggregator.

  4. The Aggregator consolidates individual signatures into a single aggregated signature using BLS signature aggregation. Upon reaching the quorum threshold, the Aggregator transmits the aggregated signature back to the AVS contract.

  5. The AVS contract within the Exocore Chain verifies the quorum threshold compliance and the validity of the aggregated signature. If both conditions are met, the computed sum is accepted.

Note the https://github.com/ExocoreNetwork/hello-world-avs includes specific links to source code files for additional information, you can visit it and run the local demo.

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