
For faster syncing, a snapshot may be used. It is updated every day at 17:00 UTC. The metadata may first be used to assess whether a snapshot will help.

wget -O metadata.txt ""
cat metadata.txt

Verify that your block number (exocored query block | jq -r .block.header.height) is less than that in the file, and that the chain-id matches. If you haven't synced your node at all yet, you can skip the block number check.

Chain ID: exocoretestnet_233-7
Block Number: 9700000
Date: 2024-12-12

Then, download the snapshot.

rm -rf $HOMEDIR/snapshot.tar.lz4 # delete an old one, if it exists
wget -O $HOMEDIR/snapshot.tar.lz4 "${CHAIN_ID}-pruned.tar.lz4"

Stop the node (if it is running), clear the existing data, extract the snapshot and start the node. Before extracting, ensure that lz4 is installed by using apt install lz4 or yum install lz4.

systemctl stop exocored
rm -rf $HOMEDIR/data/*.db $HOMEDIR/data/snapshots $HOMEDIR/data/cs.wal
tar --use-compress-program=lz4 -xvf $HOMEDIR/snapshot.tar.lz4 -C $HOMEDIR/
systemctl start exocored

Check the node's block height matches that in the metadata above using exocored query block | jq -r .block.header.height.

Once the node is syncing, the snapshot may be deleted by using rm -rf $HOMEDIR/snapshot.tar.lz4.

Last updated