Delegating Tokens

The deposited tokens can now be delegated to your validator.

## Script constants, repeated here for ease of reference

## User choices, (some) repeated here
# The token to delegate
# Quantity of token to deposit (without the 1e18 multiplier)
# Decimal values are supported
# Endpoint for Ethereum RPC

# Derived value, depending on $ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME and $HOMEDIR in prior steps
EXO_ADDRESS=$(exocored --home $HOMEDIR keys show -a $ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME)

BOOTSTRAPPED=$(cast call --rpc-url $ETHEREUM_RPC_URL $GATEWAY_ADDR "bootstrapped() returns (bool)")
if [ "$BOOTSTRAPPED" = "true" ]; then
    # Generate the LZ messsage to calculate the fees
    TOKEN_B32=$(cast 2b $TOKEN)
    ETH_ADDRESS_B32=$(cast 2b $ETH_ADDRESS)
    QUANTITY_B32=$(printf "%064s" $(cast 2h $(cast 2w $QUANTITY) | cut -c3-) | tr ' ' '0')
    VALUE=$(cast call --rpc-url $ETHEREUM_RPC_URL $GATEWAY_ADDR "quote(bytes)" $LZ_MESSAGE)
    # No LZ fees, since we are in Bootstrap mode

# Execute the transaction
cast send --rpc-url $ETHEREUM_RPC_URL \
    "delegateTo(string,address,uint256)" \
    $TOKEN \
    $(cast 2w $QUANTITY) \
    --private-key $ETH_PRIVATE_KEY \
    --value $(cast 2d $VALUE)

If the above transaction was executed after the network bootstrap phase, again, LayerZeroScan may be used to query the status of the message. In addition, the withdrawable amount will change on Exocore once the message is delivered.

ETH_LZ_ID=40161 # Sepolia, where our $GATEWAY_ADDR lives
STAKER_ID=$(echo "${ETH_ADDRESS}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')_$(printf '0x%x\n' "${ETH_LZ_ID}")
# our public endpoint is available below, but you can use your own node too
exocored query assets QueStakerAssetInfos \
    --output json | jq
# looks like this
  "asset_infos": [
      "asset_id": "0x83e6850591425e3c1e263c054f4466838b9bd9e4_0x9ce1",
      "info": {
        // Total deposited is still the same
        "total_deposit_amount": "5000000000000000000",
        // But the "free" deposit is reduced because it is delegated
        "withdrawable_amount": "0",
        // This is the amount being undelegated, same as before
        "pending_undelegation_amount": "0"

Marking a delegation as self-delegation (Post Bootstrap Phase)

This step only applies if the validator registration was done after the Bootstrap phase ended. Otherwise, it is assumed that the delegations made by the Ethereum address, which sent the validator creation transaction, are self-delegations for the validator. Most validators will need to undertake this step.

Send the transaction to associate the two addresses: each such association indicates that the delegations made by the Ethereum address are to be considered as self-delegations for the validator.

To prevent slashing for downtime, it is recommended to send the transaction below only after the node is synced.

# User inputs, the first two of which were previously provided

# Constants
ETH_LZ_ID=40161 # Sepolia

# Address of gateway derived from the params of x/assets
EXO_GATEWAY_ADDR=$(exocored query assets Params --output json --node $EXO_COS_GRPC_URL | jq -r .params.exocore_lz_app_address | cast 2a)

# The validator gets only their EXO_ADDRESS funded using the faucet, while the ETH_ADDRESS (if it is different) may not have funds to pay for gas.
# The faucet gives out 1exo, of which we will transfer 0.5exo (and retain the rest) to the ETH equivalent address. Note that the ETH equivalent address may be the same as the exo1 address if the same mnemonic is used; hence, the transfer would be pointless. To avoid spending gas on that transfer, we check the balance of the destination account first.
AMOUNT_TO_TRANSFER_IN_HUA=$(cast 2w 0.5 ether)
    # execute the transfer via cast (using exocored is also possible)
    EXO_PRIVATE_KEY=$(exocored --home $HOMEDIR keys unsafe-export-eth-key $ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME)
    cast send --rpc-url $EXO_ETH_RPC_URL \
        $ETH_ADDRESS \
        --value $AMOUNT_TO_TRANSFER_IN_HUA \
        --private-key $EXO_PRIVATE_KEY

# Send the transaction for the association
cast send --rpc-url $EXO_ETH_RPC_URL \
    "associateOperatorWithEVMStaker(uint32, string)" \
    $ETH_LZ_ID \
    $(exocored --home $HOMEDIR keys show -a $ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME) \
    --private-key $ETH_PRIVATE_KEY

If the transactions above failed, it may be possible that an association already exists. Use the command below to verify it.

To check whether the above transaction went through, the association can be queried.

ETH_LZ_ID=40161 # Sepolia, where our $GATEWAY_ADDR lives
STAKER_ID=$(echo "${ETH_ADDRESS}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')_$(printf '0x%x\n' "${ETH_LZ_ID}")
# our public endpoint is available below, but you can use your own node too
exocored query delegation QueryAssociatedOperatorByStaker \
    --output json | jq
# expected output
  "operator": "<your_exo_addr>"

The validator should now be considered "eligible" to be part of the active validator set if the self-delegation exceeds 1,000 USD. The inclusion in the set happens in the beginning of the next epoch, which may be at most 1 hour from now. Only the top 50 validators (by total stake = self-stake + delegated stake) are included in the validator set.

Last updated