Once the network is running you can check if you’re in the current validator set.
exocored--home $HOMEDIR qtendermint-validator-set|grep $(exocored--home $HOMEDIR tendermintshow-address)# prints your `exovalcons` address, corresponding to the consensus key. example below.-address:exovalcons18z3p42xn8pjk338upvzp794h02wh7p4t7jj9jx
If you recently registered as a validator, it takes at most 1 hour (one epoch) for the validator set to update. You can use the following commands to check the amount of time remaining for the epoch to increase.
EPOCH_ID=$(exocoredquerydogfoodparams--node $EXOCORE_COS_GRPC_URL --outputjson|jq-r.params.epoch_identifier)exocoredqueryepochsepoch-infos--node $EXOCORE_COS_GRPC_URL --outputjson|jq--argEPOCH_ID"$EPOCH_ID"' . as $root | .epochs[] | select(.identifier == $EPOCH_ID) | .next_epoch_start_time = ( (.current_epoch_start_time | fromdateiso8601) + (.duration | sub("s"; "") | tonumber) ) | .time_to_go = ( (.next_epoch_start_time - ($root.block_time | sub("\\.[0-9]+Z$"; "Z") | fromdateiso8601)) | if . < 0 then 0 else . end ) | {identifier, next_epoch_start_time: (.next_epoch_start_time | todate), time_to_go: (.time_to_go | tostring + " seconds")}'# do include this line, which contains only a single apostrophe
It will report the remaining duration (in seconds) of the current epoch, as well as the start time (in UTC) of the next epoch.